What a great way to spend time on a Sunday, even with the threat of rain. A group of about 10 led by type-designer Tobias Frere-Jones of some of the typographic wonders in lower Manhatten. An interesting mix of people, from packaging designers through to a marketing director.
It started outside City Hall where Tobias gave us a brief history of the Roman type used on a lot of the public buildings. In particular, the fact that W, Y and K did not exist in Roman times and the stonemasons had to have an educated guess as to how they should be.
The tour took us through Chinatown and little Italy and ended in the east Village. Along the way were examples of the evolution in signage in Manhatten, from the stone carved edificies on public buildings to handpainted signs on a hosiery shop, and gold-leaf lettering to plastic signs via neon tubes. Tobias said he could have led the tour all day showing us examples. I, for one, would have been happy with that.
When I get to a quicker network I'll upload some pics and vid.
Tomorrow the conference starts properly at 7.30!.