Apparently there IS a term for the use of non-alphabet characters to indicate swearing. Read here if you want to know what it is!
Interesting sites
A couple of interesting (and useful sites): Redesign:related is a visual listing of redesigns and refreshes. The Newseum is visual directory of the day's newspaper front covers from around the world.
Net Neutrality
What could be a worrying trend for users of the Internet is highlighted here. It discusses the prospect that big media companies, backed by big telecom companies, would like to see the Internet move away from a neutral stance whereby anybody is free to publish to the web. It could end with a two-speed Internet with the big corporations having access to the fast lane and everybody else would be relegated to the slow lane.
A note about this blog
If you have anything to say about any of the posts, pleeeease comment. Just click on the Comments link at the bottom of each entry.
Links to related articles or reference are in bold within the post.
If you have any idesign-related item that may be interest to other readers (yes, I have quite a few now) please let me know.