Apparently a new Google-killing, super search engine was launched this week. The only problem is, it can't even find it's own name! It is called Cuil, a Gaelic word for knowledge. Read the article here.
I tried using it for a couple of terms (my name and this blog's name) and there were no results. I did try looking for Cuil and it came up with a lot of other things … except it's own service. At least if type Google or Yahoo into the respective searches you get a full list of services.
Does anybody know if there is a way to replace the Google search bar in Safari with a Yahoo one? I have it on good authority that the Yahoo search engine is a lot better than the Google one.
Via Quipsologies
UPDATE: I have been sent this link about Asda, the UK supermarket chain. Apparently they want two pages of free advertising in each magazine in return for selling them in their stores.
Thanks to Soo.