Well, it had to happen. I'm going to take the plunge and buy a digital camera. I currently use film, be it an SLR for the serious stuff or a trusty Fuji disposable camera which is always in my bag. I have recently been using the camera on my mobile phone (all my pics that appear on this blog were taken using it), but I feel the need to buy a digital point and shoot as both the battery and memory on the phone are crap. I've narrowed it down to two models, the Panasonic Lumix TZ5 and the Canon Powershot G9. I'll let you know what I get.
But taking the odd snapshot in the street can be pretty hairy these days. Today's fear is of a camera-wielding terrorist, whereas yesterday's was of the paedophile and before that it was of criminals "casing the joint" (try taking a photograph in a UK shopping mall and see what happens). There is even a media campaign by the Metropolitan Police asking members of the public to report people taking photographs in the street in case they are terrorists. Even the railway enthusiast is not safe in his pursuit of photographing the object of interest without some official asking what they're up to (as if holding a camera to your eye with finger on the "button" were not enough of a giveaway).
Here is an excellent article putting all this into perspective.